Flat for Sale in Kingussie

 At: 4-6 High  St. Kingussie. PH21 1HR.

This flat is for sale by seller,  until March 2024. When it will be moved to an Estate Agent.

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This plan is of the land at the back of the shop and flat. This shows the land with the sale of the Flat. This can be changed if you want to purchase some more of the land.

Land Plan Click

The common area can only be used for access to the flat and shop and bins and no other purpose, as the propety next door cottage No 8 (bookshop) has vehicle and pedestrian access over the ground from 1903, as there was a lane and later a garage. You can get a vehicle in, up the lane but only to unload. Access is required at all times for emergencies.

Flat Information Plans and Warrents

Flat Tecnical Information and Photos

The flat has had it's electrics updated and the boxes are at the top of the stairs as you go it to the flat. A new water boiler was fitted and the old system, with a water tank in the loft was removed. The loft has lighting and a work plug and a fire detector, The loft is well insulated but more insulation can be added.

This building was well constructed in 1981  and was built as a DIY shop by a builder. with double concrete blocks walls with wall cavity. The concrete blocks, used then, are much stronger than the new blocks today. The internal walls have insulation between the wall and the plaster board and the windows are all double glazed. It has electric heating with older radiators which hold the heat for longer and cost no more than newer ones to run. This flat is warm even with minimal heating on. How well this building was constructed, is evident by the roof construction.

The flat and shop share mains water and drains . Water and drains run under shop to the High St, when the  shop was completed in 1981. As the original drains and water that served the cottages No 4, 6 and 8 came from Gynack St up the lane to the back cottages . The clay piping was damaged and the water main was lead. A New drain and water pipe was installed after the shop was built.
Thare is now an alternative connection for the drains and water at the rear of the flat and shop if required.
See drain photo, The new drains replaced all the clay from Gynack St to the shop. The water was not extended to the shop or flat, as it was not required and the water pipe is just out of sight at the bottom of the photo of the drains, where it goes into 8 high st (bookshop) next door.
